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Now Enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year
Office Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00–2:00 Sat 9:00–12:00

Recordkeeping Requirements

All parents must keep and submit an accurate record of their student's attendance. The academic records you must keep and submit to us depend on the program in which your student is enrolled.

Documenting and Reporting Attendance

Parents must keep complete and accurate attendance in order to remain in compliance with Florida's compulsory attendance law. Attendance records are due within two weeks after the end of your student's school term or grade level completion. You are welcome to send us your student's attendance records more frequently. We'll send you a reminder when your attendance records are due.

Documenting Attendance

You begin recording your student's attendance (or absence) at Aspiring Heights Academy the day your student's school term begins. We will attach a customized attendance recording form to your enrollment confirmation email. You do not need to report the specific time of day that your student is receiving instruction or what is being learned. You only need to record the total instructional hours for each school day. Your student's daily instructional hours may vary. Please read through our Attendance Reporting FAQs (below) for more details.

To be deemed in compliance with the compulsory attendance requirements of Section 1003.21(1)(a), Florida Statutes, your student must maintain regular attendance during the entire school term as follows:

Grade Level(s)(AVERAGE) Instructional HoursActual School DaysNet Instructional Hours
Kindergarten 3 hours per school day 180 days 540 hours
Grades 1–3 4 hours per school day 180 days 720 hours
Grades 4–12 5 hours per school day 180 days 900 hours
Rule 6A-1.09512, Equivalent Minimum School Terms for Compulsory Attendance Purposes

Reporting Attendance

Attendance records may be mailed, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or submitted with our online enrollment and withdrawal forms. To re-enroll your student for the new school year contemporaneously with attendance reporting, please see Current and Former Student Re-Enrollment.

By Mail

If you will be mailing your student's attendance record, be sure to keep a copy for your records. Mail your student's attendance record to Aspiring Heights Academy, PO Box 1041, Englewood, FL 34295. If your carrier requires a physical address, please mail them to us at 950 S River Rd # 1041, Englewood FL 34295.

By Email

If you will be emailing your student's attendance record, please be sure it is clearly readable and is in PDF, JPG, or XLSX format. We cannot accept photos taken with a mobile device. Please use a flatbed or sheet-fed scanner if possible. If you use a scanning app, please correct any perspective and lighting issues and crop your document before saving. If you used Numbers, please export your document as a PDF or Excel file. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your student's attendance to us or attach it in a reply to your reminder email.

By Online Submission Form

If you will be re-enrolling your student for the new school year, you may submit your student's attendance record with our online enrollment form. If you're not ready to re-enroll, you may submit your student's attendance record with our document submission form.

If you will be withdrawing your student from Aspiring Heights Academy, you may submit your student's attendance record with our online withdrawal form.

Documenting Coursework

The academic records you must keep and submit to us depend on the program in which your student is enrolled. Regardless of the program, we recommend you keep a portfolio containing a chronological log of activities, a detailed list of books and resources used, samples of your student's work, projects, test results, and earned certificates. For books, textbooks, and workbooks, keep copies of the title page and table of contents. For online curriculum, keep copies of the course's scope and sequence and assignment list as well as printouts of your student's progress, grades, and time logs. For extracurricular activities, consider keeping programs, brochures, photos, and anything else that documents your student's learning experience. Your student's portfolio is for your records. You do not need to send it to us.

Standard Program

If your student is enrolled in our Standard Program, you are responsible for keeping and maintaining your student's academic records. You do not need to send them to us.

Academic Program

Please see our Academic Program page for tips on documenting your student's coursework and how to report your student's progress. You will need to provide detailed curriculum information and a brief narrative summary of your student's performance for each course not documented on school transcripts. You may need to arrange for a portfolio review with a Florida certified teacher.

High School Diploma Program

Please see our High School Diploma Program page for what academic records you need to keep and how to document coursework for high school credit. Core courses must be documented on school transcripts. Electives may be documented in a portfolio and validated by a Florida certified teacher.

Aspiring Heights Academy

PO Box 1041
Englewood, FL 34295
(941) 623-6782
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Office Hours
Mon-Fri:  8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sun: Closed
Scheduled Closures