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Other Ways to Earn High School Credits

Students may earn high school credits (and in some cases college credits) in the following alternative ways:

Middle School

Courses designated in the Course Code Directory as high school level courses that are taken during middle school may satisfy high school graduation requirements.

Homeschool Portfolios

Courses documented through homeschool portfolios may be eligible for high school credit provided the coursework is documented thoroughly and validated by a Florida certified teacher. Restrictions apply, and credit is subject to approval. See Documenting High School Coursework for more information.

Accredited Homeschool Programs

Credits documented on transcripts by an accredited homeschool program may satisfy the general course requirements for a high school diploma provided they are validated through portfolio reviews. Restrictions apply, and credit is subject to approval. See Documenting High School Coursework for more information.

Approved Curriculum Sources

Credits documented on grade reports and/or transcripts provided by approved curriculum sources may satisfy the general course requirements for a high school diploma. Please contact us for a list of approved curriculum sources, courses, and documentation requirements.

End-of-Course Assessments

Passing scores on statewide, standardized end-of-course assessments earn high school credits for certain courses. Students do not have to enroll in or complete the corresponding course.

MOOC Certificates

Earn high school credits for Verified Certificates and/or credits earned for successful completion of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). You'll find courses offered by colleges and universities on Canvas, Coursera, edX, and other platforms. Many courses are free! Not all courses are eligible for high school credit. The course must include graded assignments and assessments. Please contact us for course approval.

Industry Certifications

Industry Certifications that lead to college credit may substitute for up to two math credits, except for Algebra 1 and Geometry, and up to one science credit, except for Biology 1. Note that admission to a state university may require the student to earn 3 additional mathematics credits that are at least as rigorous as Algebra 1. An identified rigorous Computer Science course with a related industry certification may substitute for up to one science credit, except for Biology 1.

Dual Enrollment and Early Admissions Programs

The Dual Enrollment and Early Admissions programs allow eligible high school students to enroll in postsecondary courses. Students can earn both high school credit and credit toward a college degree or technical certificate.

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

An AP course is a college-level learning experience designed for high school students. The CollegeBoard's AP Program consists of over 30 college-level courses and exams. Students who earn a qualifying grade on an AP exam can earn high school credit and possibly college credit, depending on the college or university. See Advanced Placement (AP) Courses offered at FLVS.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Passage of a CLEP exam can earn high school credit and possibly college credit for certain courses. Students do not have to enroll in or complete the corresponding course. Learn more about the CLEP at CollegeBoard.
Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)

The University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is the official online home for anyone interested in the AICE program. Information on the curriculum, diploma, research, and teacher support are available from this page.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) is the official online home for anyone interested in the IB program. Description about the various programs, history, IB resources, and partnerships are available from this page.

Aspiring Heights Academy

PO Box 1041
Englewood, FL 34295
(941) 623-6782
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Office Hours
Mon-Fri:  8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sun: Closed
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