Immunizations and Vaccinations, Meningococcal Disease, and Student Health
All Florida public and private schools serving grades K-12 are required by 1003.22 F.S. to require that each child have on file with the immunization registry a certification of immunization for the prevention of certain communicable diseases. Such certification must be made on forms approved and provided by the Florida Department of Health and become a part of each student's permanent school record. (See for more information.) Note that you may exclude your child from the immunization registry pursuant to 381.003(1)(e)2 F.S.
Immunization Requirements
Public/Non-public Schools Kindergarten Through 12th Grade
(Children entering, attending, or transferring to Florida schools)
- Four or five doses of DTaP
- Four or five doses of IPV
- Two doses of MMR
- Three doses of Hep B
- One Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap)
- Two doses of Varicella (kindergarten effective with 2008–2009 school year, then an additional grade is added each year thereafter). Varicella vaccine is not required if there is a history of varicella disease documented by the health care provider.
Additional Immunization Requirements for 7th Grade Entry
- One Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap)
Documenting Immunizations
The Form DH 680, Florida Certification of Immunization, must be used to document receipt of immunizations required for entry and attendance in Florida schools. Form DH 680 is issued by county health departments and by private healthcare providers. If you recently moved to Florida from another state, you must have your child's vaccination history transferred to Form DH 680. No other immunization records can be accepted.
Exemptions from Required Immunizations
- Temporary Medical Exemption
- Private healthcare providers may grant a Temporary Medical Exemption if a child is in the process of completing necessary immunizations. This exemption is documented on Form DH 680 and will include an expiration date after which the exemption is no longer valid.
- Permanent Medical Exemption
- Private healthcare providers may grant a Permanent Medical Exemption if a child cannot be fully immunized due to medical reasons. This exemption is also documented on Form DH 680, and the physician is required to include the reason(s) for exemption based on valid clinical reasoning or evidence.
- Religious Exemption
- Pursuant to F.S. 1003.22(5)(a), your child shall be exempted from this requirement upon objection in writing that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with your religious tenets or practices. County health departments issue Form DH 681, Religious Exemption From Immunization. This exemption is based on established religious beliefs or practices.
Available Immunizations and Vaccinations
A brochure that outlines current Florida school entry immunization requirements is available from FloridaHealth. Please see their schedules and requirements under Immunization Publications. FloridaHealth offers additional information on school immunization requirements on their website. United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also provides information at
Meningococcal Disease
Meningococcal disease can refer to any illness that is caused by the type of bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis, also known as meningococcus. These illnesses are often severe and include infections of the lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream infections (bacteremia or septicemia).
For detailed information regarding the causes, symptoms, and transmission of meningococcal disease and the availability, effectiveness, known contraindications, and appropriate age for the administration of any required or recommended vaccine against meningococcal disease, please visit the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at
Student Health
Research shows that students' health has a direct impact on their academic success. Here are a few health related websites designed for children, parents, and educators:
- Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit This toolkit can be used by anyone who promotes youth physical activity, and many of the components can be adapted/customized. You can download a User Guide, facts sheets, PowerPoint presentations, a poster, and more. You can also order a free copy of the toolkit, which includes a CD with print-ready files of all materials.
- Bam! Body and Mind provides teaching resources, including unit studies, activities, downloadable comics, and more. This is a great resource for integrating health into your child's curriculum.
- This site is for parents, children, teens, and educators. The Parent section provides information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years; the Kid section includes articles, animations, games, and other content; and the Teen section is a resource designed just for teens who need honest, accurate information and advice about health, emotions, and life. For health related lesson plans, visit the Classroom section. There you can download Teacher's Guides that include discussion questions, quizzes, activities, printable handouts, and more.